We provide Supermarket logistics solutions to UK, European & Global manufacturers/distributors who supply Aldi, Lidl, Morrisons, B&M and TJ Morris. Our systems allow you to deliver directly to our central hub on Merseyside or allow us to look after the entire project. Services include:

  • Collection from point of manufacturer
  • Deep sea shipping/ Airfreight/ Road freight
  • Customs clearance/ Payment of duties(if required)
  • Direct delivery/ De-stuffing/ Off-loading
  • Storage/ Warehousing
  • Delivery to customer/ end user
  • Weekly invoicing with all pod’s scanned electronically

Please click on the relevant icon for more information


aldilillogo  lidl  morrisons.fw  bm.fw  homebargain.fw   tj.fw

The information below and our PDF brochure explains some of the more detailed services we supply to our customers.

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Our customers include manufacturers of cosmetics, detergents, foodstuffs, FMCG (fast moving consumer goods).  Our end users are the supermarket groups, including Aldi, Lidl, Morrisons, B&M and TJ Morris.

Logistics systems

Our logistics systems combine Airfreight, Roadfreight & Shipping with customs clearance, inland haulage, warehousing & distribution.  We aim to make the life of the supermarket supplier a pleasurable experience and not fraught with hidden costs etc.

Our warehouses

Our warehouses are geographically located to each supermarket group, so that in the event of any re-delivery or re-stack, we have a local solution.  This dramatically reduces costs, as the product does not have to be returned to point of despatch, and all issues are dealt with locally.

For the locations and details of our warehouses, please see our warehouse page.

We are one of only a few freight companies offering a truly one-stop-shop logistics solution for suppliers to Aldi & Lidl.  Please feel free to contact us directly with your queries and we will reply either the same day or the next working day.